Sunday, August 8, 2010

BONKERS Board Game

BONKERS Board Game


Product Details

Do you get tongue-tied under pressure? Can you avoid mental blocks? You'll soon find out playing BONKERS, a quick-thinking party game that has players racing against time to hit the 'Bullseye' answers and win scoring chips. Here's what happens. After the Card Reader presents a question, the timer is turned over and the fun begins. The player in the 'Hot Seat' starts blurting out answers, trying to match Bullseye answers on the game card. Quick, think of words to fill in the blank: '(BLANK) SALE'. You might blurt out 'yard sale', 'garage sale', 'fire sale', but are those answers a Bullseye match? Keep guessing until time runs out. In the next round you are asked to name living creatures that begin with the letters 'CO'? The answers roll off your tongue: Cobra, Coyote, Cow, etc. To win scoring chips you must match some or all of the four Bullseyes options provided on the game card. The more Bullseyes you hit, the fewer scoring chips are left for an opposing player to win. So don't waste any time! Keep the answers rolling! There are four different card types to challenge you: Figure out what goes in the blank in "What the (Blank)"?, form words in "Add Ons", use letter hints to search for things in "Letter Perfect", and find rhymes in "Rhyme Time". It's a constant battle of wits, nerves and concentration. Whether you are playing one on one or in teams - it's fun to go BONKERS! Includes 540 game cards, scoring chips, sand timer, game board, playing pawns and instruction sheet.

  • A quick thinking party game that everyone can enjoy!
  • Draw a question and start blurting out your guesses to hit the 'Bullseye' answers.
  • Guess right, or an opponent can win your scoring chips.
  • Includes 540 game cards, scoring chips, sand timer, game board, playing pawns and instruction sheet.
  • An award winner! For 2 to 6 players (up to 18 players with teams). Ages 13 to Adult.

Customer Reviews ::

A great party game! - Kendra - Kenmore, NY
BONKERS contains 540 game cards in four card categories. Players have 30 seconds to come up with as many answers as possible to match four Bullseye Answers provided on the game card. Seems simple, but there's a catch. There is always more than one answer to a question. For example, a question might ask you to find countries that begin with an H? Players would try to come up with as many answers as possible: HOLLAND; HUNGARY; HONDURAS; HAITI. The player's goal is to match the answers given on the game card and win scoring chips. Any answers not matched are left for opposing players to steal and win scoring chips. The questions are based around four different categories: AD ONS, WHAT THE BLANK; RHYME TIME, and LETTER PERFECT. For instance, a Rhyme Time question might ask players to come up with words that rhyme with SLIME. Yes, you can go on forever rhyming, but the trick is to try your luck at matching the answers on the game card and win scoring chips. The AD ONS questions are for those word gurus, asking questions like - Come up with words that start with HOUSE. All of us immediately say HOUSEWIFE, but after that it becomes a little tricky....HOUSEFLY, HOUSEBROKEN, etc. In the "What the Blank" category, you are asked to think of words to fill in the blank space. For instance, the question might be: Think of words to fill in the blank GRAND blank? Answers would include: GRAND OPENING; GRAND FINALE; GRAND PRIZE; GRAND SLAM. Remember, you have to match the answers given on the game card to win points, so you really need to go Bonkers finding answers to win as many scoring chips as possible. This is a fast pace game with question types that almost everybody and anybody can answer. A truly great party game!


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